My name's Kevin and I'll be your captain on this blog. My goal is to get a few friends to join me in posting to this site, that way I'm not doing all the heavy lifting. I suppose you could call this initial post my blog manifesto.
Having read a number of really good blogs over the last year (Deadspin and The Big Lead immediately come to mind), I've determined a few things are necessary for me to have a quality blog (in no particular order):
1. (Linking to/Giving credit to) other blogs who post an interesting story first.
2. Random movie reviews., Live Free or Die Hard was not the train wreck I expected it to be. However, I'll make the effort to try and make a sports connection to it. Such, the Green Bay Packers are just like Live Free or Die Hard this season!
3. Posting material about my favorite/hometown team, the New Orleans Saints. Hence the name of the blog. Oh, and by the way...
4. I'll also post as many videos as I can in this blog. I'm just trying to get the hang of this HTML-thing.
5. Pictures of attractive women. The less clothing, the better. I'm "efforting" this as we speak. I'd like to have a solid line-up established before I go all post happy.
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